Owen Oyston, Benevolent Dictator

Seasiders Net, in an article dated September 2002 (at www.seasiders.net/news/ loadfeat.asp?CID=EDX1.) called Owen Oyston the "Benevolent Dictator" of Blackpool Football Club

Owen Oyston

The article begins:

"The 31 May 1988 is a significant dateline in the history of Blackpool Football Club.....and yet most Seasiders fans are probably not even remotely aware of it!

The follow up to our earlier article - Blackpool Uncovered 1978 Style....

On that warm Wednesday evening some fourteen years ago Blackpool FC was taken over by an "invisible man" in the most bloodless coup the club has ever experienced.

Despite his non-appearance at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders he was given 75% of the club shares.

Owen Oyston, described in the Press as a business baron, was given control of Blackpool FC despite his non appearance at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders where he was sold 75 per cent of the club's shares.

Strangely, only forty two shareholders bothered to attend this low key meeting and those who did turn up were greeted by the peculiar sight of an empty chair on the top table which divided Oyston's company advisers on the Board and the remaining Blackpool F.C. directors.

Blackpool FC's chairman at the time, Ken Chadwick, explained that Mr Oyston considered his absence would enable the shareholders to have an open, frank discussion on the proposed take-over bid without 'feeling any embarrassment'. Mr Chadwick also revealed that Oyston didn't vote his 48% of the shares because he wanted the body of shareholders to either give him a show of faith or kick out his 'survival plan'......"

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